Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12871. Project: 14.90: LinkSOFT Version 14.90 - July 2023
Logged By: Navneet Kumar on behalf of Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 04 Apr 2023 02:16PM
Priority: Low
Product: Payroll & HR
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 12.00
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Development, Navneet Kumar, Sanjay, Sitla Sharma
Resolve By: Friday, 30 June 2023 09:19 AM [480 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Enhancement to "Utility - Employee Transfer"
1. Discussion Details

When you transfer an employee using "Utility - Employee Transfer" from Company 1001 to Company 1003, Employee Pay Setup and Leave Allocation/Balance do not get transferred. We need the following menus to be included in the Transfer;
  1. Direct Credit
  2. Superannuation
  3. All Leaves Allocated to the Employee
  4. Previous Employment Details - YTD
2. We have tested the above scenario and below are the details for consideration

Environment - Link Technologies - Demo [1001] and Link Technologies - Fiji [1003]
Version: 14.30.1116.GA
Login Details - admin
Password - admin
  1. Create and setup Employee Profile in Company 1001
    1. K001 - Simon Nand
    2. Start Date - 01/06/2024
    3. Pay rate - $20000
    4. Position History - Custom Service Manager
  2. Employee Pay Setup
    1. Direct Credit
    2. Superannuation Details
    3. Allowances
    4. Benefits
    5. Deductions
  3. Setup leave code
    1. Annual Leave - AAL
    2. Sick Leave - ASL
    3. Bereavement Leave
    4. Long Service
  4. Setup Approval Workflow
  5. Processed 2 Pays to accrue Leaves
    1. Payrun ID - 537
    2. Payrun ID 538
  6. Payroll Processing ->Utility Employee Transfer->Transfer Employee
    1. Employee Code - K001 Simon Nand
    2. Company ID - Link Technology - Fiji [1003]
    3. To Employee Code - K002 Simon Nand
    4. Shift Code - Day Shift [DS]
    5. Pay Team Code - Monthly
    6. Service Type - Established
    7. Reason - Transfer
  7. After Transfer is complete refer to Figure 1 below for discussion;
Figure 1
Effects Of Transfer
Expected Result
Company 1001
Employee Profile gets inactive
Employee does not reflect under Leave Allocation & Leave Balance
Leave Adjustment Entry does not reflect in history or any report upon transfer out (what happens to the existing balance)
Should reflect as adjustment out if not paid
Company 1003
Employee Maintenance details get transferred - Pay Rates, Position History,Service history,Grade History, Additional Tax
Agreed - details got transferred
Employee Maintenace details does not get transferred - Previous Employment (YTD)
Should transfer for correct PAYE deductions
Employee Pay Setup details does not get transferred - Direct Credit, Superannuation, Allowance , Benefits, Deductions
Should transfer
Leave Allocation - All Leaves type balance from previous Company does not get transferred
Should transfer
Clarification: How does transfer work?
Does employees final pay needs to be processed from Company 1001?
If so, it defeats the purpose of Intercompany transfer
Should all leave be paid out before transfer from Company 1001?
If so, it defeats the purpose of Intercompany transfer. Example , under same group transfer leave balance should transfer as company wont allocate new balances

Environment Details
Demo [1001]

Link Technologies [1003]

Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 21/06/23 15:35. Edited by sanjay on 21/06/23 15:26. Edited by sanjay on 18/05/23 14:17. Edited by sanjay on 02/05/23 15:29. Edited by sanjay on 18/04/23 09:22. Edited by sanjay on 13/04/23 15:37. Edited by sanjay on 04/04/23 14:16. 
21 Dec 202209:34AM Comment 1 by Navneet Kumar ETC was changed from 21/12/2022 to 22/12/2022
24 Jan 202308:44AM Comment 2 by Sitla Sharma (Edge Business Solutions) ETC was changed from 22/12/2022 to 31/01/2023
15 Feb 202311:56AM Comment 3 by Sitla Sharma (Edge Business Solutions) ETC was changed from 31/01/2023 to 28/02/2023
28 Mar 202308:32AM Comment 4 by Sitla Sharma (Edge Business Solutions) ETC was changed from 28/02/2023 to 07/04/2023
04 Apr 202302:15PM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12871 added to project 14.70
13 Apr 202302:35PM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 20-04-2023 02:19 PM Time Taken: 4.00 Notes: ETC extended from: 07/04/2023 to 20/04/2023

Hi Navneet and Sitla, here are some answers to questions raised in the case header and the proposed changes. Please review and send a meeting request to discuss this so I can proceed with development.

  1. The "Employee Transfer" utility allows you to transfer the Employee Profile from one company to another. Refer to the documentation for details.
  2. With reference to Figure 1 issues raised
    1. Item 3 - Leave adjustment is not applied as "companies" are separate entities. We cannot make adjustments in "Company 2" from "Company 1" as the authorities could be different and could be governed by a separate set of rules.
    2. Item 5 - Yes we can transfer Employee History Records for Tax history purposes
    3. Item 6 - Yes we can transfer Pay Setup details
    4. Item 7 - Yes we can transfer leave allocation although the dates could be an issue. I will investigate this further
    5. Item 8 - Yes you need to complete all employee-related transactions in the "Source Company". Same as the reason given in 2.1 above.
    6. Item 9 - Yes All leave must be paid out of the "Source Company" as the "destination Company" cannot be liable for the financials of another company. 

Please review and update this case with concerns so I can proceed with items 2.2 to 2.4 above.

14 Apr 202308:42AM Comment 7 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sitla Sharma (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 20-04-2023 08:41 AM Time Taken: 1.00 Notes: ETC extended from: 20/04/2023 to 20/04/2023

Hi Guys, can I et an update on this please?

18 Apr 202309:21AM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 30-06-2023 09:19 AM Time Taken: 1.00 Notes: ETC extended from: 20/04/2023 to 30/06/2023

I will move this to the "Review" project as the current release change approval date has been reached. Please update the case when you have a moment.

18 Apr 202309:22AM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12871 added to project Review
02 May 202303:29PM Comment 10 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12871 added to project 14.80
03 May 202307:18AM Comment 11 by Navneet Kumar Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 19-05-2023 06:43 AM Time Taken: 2.00
Bula Team,

As per discussion with Sanjay and Sitla, below are the discussion points:



Effects Of Transfer

Expected Result

Confirmed Transfer


Company 1001




Employee Profile gets inactive




Employee does not reflect under Leave Allocation & Leave Balance




Leave Adjustment Entry does not reflect in history or any report upon transfer out (what happens to the existing balance)

Should reflect as adjustment out if not paid



Company 1003




Employee Maintenance details get transferred - Pay Rates, Position History,Service history,Grade History, Additional Tax

Agreed - details got transferred



Employee Maintenace details does not get transferred - Previous Employment (YTD)

Should transfer for correct PAYE deductions



Employee Pay Setup details does not get transferred - Direct Credit, Superannuation, Allowance , Benefits, Deductions

Should transfer

Only Direct Credit and Superannuation is fixed, so this should get transferred


Leave Allocation - All Leaves type balance from previous Company does not get transferred

Should transfer

Don’t transfer leave allocation as we don’t not want partial transfer because the Leave code setup in Company A can differ from leave code setup in Company B


Clarification: How does transfer work?




Does employees final pay needs to be processed from Company 1001?

If so, it defeats the purpose of Intercompany transfer

Yes, final pay needs to be processed and bring their balances to zero and than move employee to company 2.


Should all leave be paid out before transfer from Company 1001?

If so, it defeats the purpose of Intercompany transfer. Example , under same group transfer leave balance should transfer as company wont allocate new balances

Yes, leaves need to be paid out before before the employee moves to Company B. If Company A does not want to pay out leaves, they can  do a manual adjustment to zeroize all the leave balances


Next Step:

  1. Sanjay to review and move case to Project 14.80

18 May 202302:17PM Comment 12 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12871 added to project 15.00
31 May 202304:07PM Comment 13 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 08-06-2023 04:06 PM Time Taken: 4.00

Hi guys, I will close this case as the details are not clear. 

Aarti has created a new case # L12910 which has a clear explanation. Please review this case and add comments as necessary.

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12871 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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