Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L11712. Project: 12.20: LinkSOFT Version 12.2
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 17 Oct 2019 12:07PM
Priority: Medium
Product: Point of Sale
Group: New Feature
Time Taken: 81.00 (Weight: 81.00)
Version: 12.22.0113
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Alvis, Development, Sanjay, Sanjeet
Resolve By: Monday, 30 November 2020 11:59 PM [1947 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: WBC POS/EFTPOS Integration to VX690 terminal
Hi Deepak,
I had a few questions on the VX690 terminal. Who would be the best person to talk to?

  1. The VX690 has an ethernet terminal. Can I build the integration via TCPIP or do I need to use RS232?
  2. If I need to use Serial, Is this the right cable to use?
  3. The V2.16 documentation (Section 2.3) asks for the install the Verifone supplied USB driver. Where can I get this from?
  4. Instead of RJ45 to Serial, can i use the USB to RS232 port at the back of the terminal?
Thanks for your help.
Sanjay Singh
Managing Director & Founder
Mobile:+ 61(0) XXX-XXX-XXX
Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 09/02/21 17:04. Edited by sanjay on 09/11/20 17:00. Edited by sanjay on 04/11/20 10:46. Edited by sanjay on 28/10/20 13:41. Edited by sanjay on 13/08/20 17:43. Edited by sanjay on 13/08/20 17:43. Edited by sanjay on 16/07/20 11:09. Edited by sanjay on 02/07/20 15:37. Edited by sanjay on 02/07/20 15:37. Edited by sanjay on 13/02/20 13:32. Edited by sanjay on 24/10/19 08:11. Edited by sanjay on 17/10/19 12:07. Edited by alvis on 16/10/19 08:25. Edited by sanjay on 05/10/19 08:09. Edited by sanjay on 06/09/19 11:39. Edited by sanjay on 06/09/19 11:39. 
06 Sep 201911:32AM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Created from case 9555
07 Sep 201903:03AM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 07-09-2019 03:03 AM Time Taken: 4.00

From: Sanjay Singh <>
Date: 9/6/19 11:32 AM (GMT+10:00)
To: "Singh, Deepak" <>
Cc: "Mohammed, Shakira (Westpac Pacific)" <>
Subject: Verifone Integration for Extra Supermarket

Hi Deepak,

I had a few questions on the VX690 terminal. Who would be the best person to talk to?

Can I email:<> or<>

  1.  The VX690 has an ethernet terminal. Can I build the integration via TCPIP or do I need to use RS232?
  2.  If I need to use Serial, Is this the right cable to use?
  3.  The V2.16 documentation (Section 2.3) asks for the install the Verifone supplied USB driver. Where can I get this from?
  4.  Instead of RJ45 to Serial, can I use the USB to RS232 port at the back of the terminal?

Thanks for your help.
Sanjay Singh
Managing Director & Founder
Link Technologies<>

Singh, Deepak 6 Sep 2019, 12:09 (14 hours ago) to me, Deepak, Shakira

Hi Sanjay

Unfortunately, you can't use the TCP/IP port since that is in use but you can use the micro USB port which is the prefered approach. We dont think using RS232 is a good idea.

I can ask Shakira about the drivers but I don't think we had to give any to Pronto. They must have used generic drivers but I'll check.

Sanjay Singh 03:00 (3 minutes ago) to Deepak, Shakira

Thanks Shakira and Deepak.

Here is what I need:
The V2.16 documentation (Section 2.3) asks for the install the Verifone supplied USB driver
Developer documentation on how to use the Verifone device to test transactions. Deepak has already sent me the terminal
host simulator and relevant documentation

Sanjay Singh

05 Oct 201908:09AM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 05-10-2019 08:09 AM Time Taken: 1.00
We have received the SDK user guides for Westpac EFT Terminal and are working on this integration. Possibly for V11.4 or 11.5 release.

05 Oct 201908:09AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case 11712 added to project 11.004.BETA
16 Oct 201908:25AM Comment 5 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case 11712 added to project 11.1
17 Oct 201912:07PM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case 11712 removed from project 11.005
17 Oct 201912:07PM Comment 7 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case 11712 added to project 11.005
24 Oct 201908:11AM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case 11712 added to project 999
13 Feb 202001:32PM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 added to project 11.5
13 Feb 202001:35PM Comment 10 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 14-02-2020 01:32 PM Time Taken: 8.00

Shakira from Westpac Fiji has sent me the Developer guide for the Verifone device.

I have been able to connect to the Verifone device, however the device is not authenticating credit card details. I had a discussion with Shakita and she has escalated this to her technical team. There seems to be a Bank Configuration authenticate issue that needs to b resolved on the device before we can process transactions.

21 May 202003:05PM Comment 11 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 removed from project 11.5
13 Aug 202005:43PM Comment 12 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 added to project 999
13 Aug 202005:43PM Comment 13 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 added to project 12.0
13 Aug 202005:44PM Comment 14 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 18-08-2020 05:43 PM Notes: ETC extended from: 05/10/2019 to 18/08/2020
Now that V12 is stabilised, we will start this work.

10 Sep 202009:28AM Comment 15 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 removed from project 12.0
10 Sep 202009:28AM Comment 16 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 added to project 999
28 Oct 202001:41PM Comment 17 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 29-10-2020 01:38 PM Time Taken: 2.00
USB drivers received from Deepak. The verifone unit is now functioning and development has started.

We expect to release this in V12.2 - however, there are still questions about testing this on site as EXTRA supermarket is the only ones planning to use this.

28 Oct 202001:41PM Comment 18 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L11712 added to project 12.2
28 Oct 202001:41PM Comment 19 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 18/08/2020 to 30/11/2020
28 Oct 202001:43PM Comment 20 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 29-10-2020 01:41 PM
USB Drives are located at: FTP:\Software\Verifone - Westpac\

28 Oct 202002:35PM Comment 21 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 29-10-2020 01:38 PM Time Taken: 4.00
*** Skype message with ***
Sanjay, 1:39 PM
Hi Sanjeet, I'm almost done with case L11712.

We don't have a test plan on the case. Will you be able to get a test platform organized with Westpac or Extra?

Link, 1:57 PM
ok let me check

Link, 1:58 PM
I thought WBC had given you the test device

Link, 1:58 PM
as for Extra they are on V9 and will not upgrade anytime soon but I will check

Sanjay, 1:59 PM
Westpac has given me a machine to do development on. I still need you to do UAT with the client

Sanjay, 1:59 PM
If Extra won't upgrade I cannot complete development - should I postpone the development?

Link, 1:59 PM
let me discuss and will update you

29 Oct 202002:44PM Comment 22 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 30-10-2020 02:42 PM Time Taken: 40.00
?Hi guys,

We have completed development and "system testing" for EFT using the Verifone device for Fiji. Since this isn't a vendor-provided SDK, we can only certify this for the "Verifone VX690". Any other device or changes to this device will need to be tested separately.

The next step will be to set up a terminal at the client's site and perform the following transactions:
  1. ?Sale
  2. Sale and Cash OUT
  3. ?Refund??
?Sanjeet will be in touch regarding User testing.

Sanjay Singh
Managing Director & Founder
Mobile:+ 61(0) XXX-XXX-XXX

30 Oct 202010:50AM Comment 23 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 03-11-2020 10:48 AM Time Taken: 8.00
*** Emails with Westpac Re: TESTING ***

Sanjay Singh <> 08:58 (1 hour ago) to Deepak, Shakira

Hi Deepak

With PCEFTPOS, we were given a TEST Sheet that contained all the possible scenarios. One of the scenarios was a "Signature Verification"

I have implemented this, I cannot get the Device to prompt for signature.

Do you have the instructions on when a signature is required?

Do you have a test sheet I can go through to cover all scenarios so Sanjeet can get signoff on UAT?

Sanjay Singh
Shakira Mohammed 10:10 (38 minutes ago) to me, Deepak, Shakira

Hi Sanjay

Is it possible to share the test sheet that you do have?

For signature on transactions, if your device does not prompt for signature for foreign card transactions then it has not been enabled on the back end system. I will need your terminal ID details to get vendor to enable it.

Shakira Mohammed Beddoes

Project Manager
Sanjay Singh 10:47 (1 minute ago) to Shakira, Deepak

Hi Shakira,

I am assuming here that Fiji customers may need a Signature Prompt. In that case, will the terminal print the prompt or will the POS need to print the Signature slip?.

With PCEFTPOS, the POS terminal handles all printing, including the Signature prompt and also the EFT receipt which gets printed after the POS Receipt. Will the Verifone print the signature request and receipt or will I need to do this in POS?

Where can I get my terminal ID from? Here is a number that is printed on the receipt header: 100 300 000 171

Also please enable CASH OUT function. When I attempt a CASH-OUT, it says "Not Enabled"


Sanjay Singh

04 Nov 202010:46AM Comment 24 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 30/11/2020 to 30/11/2020
09 Nov 202005:00PM Comment 25 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 10-11-2020 04:08 PM Time Taken: 6.00
*** Email from Shakira *** No reply on enabling the CASH-OUT. We will not support CASH OUT in release 12.2
Shakira Mohammed 30 Oct 2020, 13:25 (10 days ago) to me, Deepak, Shakira

Hi Sanjay
Below is from the specification document:
“The terminal shall automatically approve any transaction that requires Signature Verification (Receipt will include the signature line but there will be no prompt on the terminal for Signature Verification). It is the PC/ECR operator’s responsibility to verify the signature.”
I will check with vendor on enabling Cash Out


Shakira Mohammed Beddoes

Project Manager

Westpac Fiji

Sanjay Singh
16:57 (1 minute ago)
to Shakira, Deepak

Hi Shakira,

Did you get the "CASH OUT" configuration changed?

We are publishing a release tomorrow and need to know if we can include this change.

Sanjay Singh

09 Nov 202005:04PM Comment 26 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 10-11-2020 05:01 PM Time Taken: 8.00

Basic EFT functionality testing has completed in V12.2. Westpac has not enabled "CASH OUT" - therefore attempts to use "CASH OUT" will be prevented by the Terminal.

Also, note that the EFT Terminal expects the cashier to VALIDATE the Signature requirements. See Comments 25 from Westpac.

We will close this case and create a new one when user testing starts.

General Documents - Case: 11712:20190809 Draft EFTPOS Integration Guide.pdf
If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L11712 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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