Company: Link Business Solutions
Case No: T14144
Logged By: Salesh Dayal on 26 Jun 2023 11:26AM
Priority: High
Product: LinkSOFT
Group: Support
Time Taken (hrs): 3.00
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Salesh Dayal, Sanjay
Resolve By: Monday, 26 June 2023 11:26 AM [397 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Request for LinkSOFT Licence for CRAZYTWINZ (LABASA) PTE LIMITED

Instructions on using this template:

  1. Once the case is created, please do NOT change the case header or comments. Add a new "comment" to the case if amendments are required.
  2. Replace {Registered Company Name} in the subject, and copy the "Subject".
  3. Attach the invoice sent to the client relating to the Licences in the Licence Portal against the Licence request and assign the case to Sanjay. Skype the case number to Sanjay
  4. Once the license is applied on site, close the case with the statement "Licence has been applied on-site by {User}" with any other relevant details.
  5. Refer to Helpdesk PolicyLicence Policy and EULA and your reseller agreement for further details.
  6. If there are multiple servers, Copy sections B and C and place them below the last dashed Line

Subject: Request for LinkSOFT Licence for ?CRAZYTWINZ (LABASA) PTE LIMITED

Section A - Explain any variance to standard licence in detail with supporting documents. Special Discount Notes and Calculations including versions prior to 10.144 (Required when the standard price is not used)

Section B - Licence Registration Details

Licence Quote Number (Only required for discounts): QT000442
Licence Number: 
Client Contact Name:Monit Singh
Client Contact Email/
LinkSOFT Version: 14
Server Name: POSSVR
Database Name:LINKSOFT 
Production Date(When did the client start using LinkSOFT): 24/06/2023
Expiry Date (Min.12 months. Recommend END OF Month): 24/06/2024

Enable Subscription Price for This customer (Y/N)
Enable Cloud Hosting for this customer (Y/N)

Total One-Off Cost for this server (If Applicable):$3,550
Total Annual amount for this server:$710

Section C - Licence Count.
ModuleDescriptionTypeExisting QtyAdd QtyTotal Qty
SYSServer Licence (1 licence for each server/database)Server  1 1
HRM--> Human Resource Management (Active Stations & Active Employee Count. Includes Payroll, Employee Self Serve)Station   
HRM--> Human Resource Management (Active Stations & Active Employee Count. Includes Payroll, Employee Self Serve)Employee   
TNA- - - Time and Attendance (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
REC- - - Recruitment Management (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
POS--> Point of Sales (Active Stations. Includes Inventory, Purchasing)Station  4 4
EFT- - - Electronic Fund Transfer (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
FCI- - - Forecourt Control Integration (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
VMS- - - VAT Monitoring System (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
REPL- - - Replication (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
FMS--> Financial System Portal (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
API--> Integration API for ERP (1 licence for each server/database)Server   
HEL--> Helpdesk System (1 licence for each server/database)Server   

---- Place Section B and C below this line or each additional server this client has ------------------------------------

Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 03/07/23 10:49. 
26 Jun 202311:37AM Comment 1 by Salesh Dayal Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 27-06-2023 11:34 AM Time Taken (hrs): 1.00

Hi Sanjay 

The client has paid. May you please issue the licence.



26 Jun 202311:47AM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Salesh Dayal Followup Date: 27-06-2023 11:44 AM Time Taken (hrs): 1.00
Hi Salesh, Licence issued. Thanks

29 Jun 202309:06AM Comment 3 by Salesh Dayal Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 30-06-2023 09:05 AM

Hi Sanjay

Licence has been applied to site.



03 Jul 202310:49AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 04-07-2023 10:49 AM Time Taken (hrs): 1.00
Hi Salesh. You can close the case when Licence is applied on-site. Thanks.

Customer Invoice - Customer Invoice:Invoice (Inc GST) - INV008132 - Crazy Twin Implementation.pdf
If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please call our support on Support: +679 222 0084. After Hours Support: +679 222 0085 or email and include the Case No: T14144 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

Document size: 16.7 KB
For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director using this form.