Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12953. Project: 15.00: LinkSOFT Version 15.00
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 25 Sep 2023 05:52PM
Priority: High
Product: FMIS (Jiwa/Epicor/etc)
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 21.00
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Sanjay, Vineet, Vineshwar Prasad
Resolve By: Thursday, 05 October 2023 02:41 PM [306 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: LinkSOFT POS Transactions to Jiwa Sales Orders is slow

Jiwa Integration is slow when configured with Linksoft. An investigation carried out showed the following results:

  1. LinkSOFT sends orders to JIWA API at 1 every 10 seconds.
  2. JIWA API takes up to 2 minutes to process 1 order with 5 lines.

Client JIWA DB is 40 GB, LinkSOFT DB is 30 GB. Client DB is on QA4. 

Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 03/10/23 10:51. Edited by sanjay on 25/09/23 17:52. Edited by sanjay on 25/09/23 17:49. 
25 Sep 202305:52PM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12953 added to project 15.00
26 Sep 202312:15PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 28-09-2023 04:12 PM Time Taken: 12.00
PART A - Development work for this case has been completed.

1. The change will be available in versions: 15.00 and 14.90 PATCH

2. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes, and any other relevant information):

  1. Added Index on Jiwa Integration Scripts

3. Affected Areas:

  1. Jiwa Sales Order Integration

4. The issue was caused by:

  1. Poor Server Configuration
  2. Large volume data in JIWA with insufficient Server Hardware
    1. Recommend Server OD, Database DATA File and Database LOG Files be placed on separate SSD DISK SEGMENTS
    2. Setup JIWA to Re-Index and Re-Organise indexes nightly with a 10% fragmentation limit
  3. Jiwa Database Index Fragmentation

5. Other Relevant Notes
6. Next Step
(Review and System Test (Developer) -> UAT (Quality) -> Documentation): UAT

26 Sep 202304:34PM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 28-09-2023 07:29 PM Time Taken: 8.00
The following tests were performed:

Test Setup Instructions:
  1. Upgrade Client environment with LinkSOFT and JIWA integration. Choose a client with a very large DB and Limited Hardware Resources
Table 1 - Test Results
NoTest CaseExpected ResultPass/FailComments
1Upgrade to 15.00 and send Sales Orders across to JIWA
Mesure Sales Order Throughput and verify it is under 10 seconds per order
See Event Log - average time is 4.5 seconds

Environment Details

  1. OS version: Win11
  2. Application version: 15.00
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server: LinkQA4
    2. Database: LinkSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://LinkQA4/LinkSOFT
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Figure 1 - Event log for Sales Order throughput

Next Step: Closure

03 Oct 202310:49AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 05-10-2023 02:41 PM Time Taken: 1.00 Notes: ETC extended from: 25/09/2023 to 05/10/2023

Below is the Index that should be created in JIWA Database version 7.X

**** Start Of Script

IF (EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[IN_SOH]') AND [type]='U')) AND NOT (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.indexes WHERE [name]=N'IX_LT_IN_SOH_QuantityLeft' AND [object_id]=OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[IN_SOH]')))
ON [dbo].[IN_SOH] ([InventoryID], [IN_LogicalID], [QuantityLeft])
INCLUDE ([DateIn], [LCostIn], [ExpiryDate])
*** End Of Script

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12953 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

Document size: 151.6 KB
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