Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12729. Project: 14.00: LinkSOFT Version 14.00
Logged By: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) on 25 May 2022 06:34AM
Priority: High
Product: Point of Sale
Group: Software Defect
Time Taken: 27.50 (Weight: 30.50)
Version: 14.00
Assigned To: Development
Circulation: Development, Sanjay, Vineet
Resolve By: Wednesday, 01 June 2022 12:00 AM [794 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Items with Price Class Attached shows Negative Margin in Sales Analysis Report

Client advised that they are generating the Sales Analysis Report for a week and have noticed that the Total Cost shown is incorrect in this report.

An example given is for item 016000409835 which has a cost of $3.7799 and a selling price of $4.95. When the report is generated from 16/05/2022 for location NAD06, the cost shown is $30.19. This cost should be $15.1196.

This has been noticed for items in the Price class. Other examples include 016000409897,016000409828,9300695005733,016000409941. Refer to the below example for item 016000409835.

Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 02/06/22 14:58. Edited by sanjay on 01/06/22 15:50. Edited by sanjay on 01/06/22 15:44. Edited by sanjay on 31/05/22 14:47. 
23 May 202210:35AM Comment 1 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 24-05-2022 10:13 AM Time Taken: 1.00 Notes: Edited by vineet on 26/05/22 11:32. 

Bula Team

We did a diagnostic and below are our findings:

  1. From the 4 sold, 3 were sold without Price Class and one Price Class. The total cost is $18.85. The report is showing overstated cost of $30.19.
  2. The Selling Price VEP Total of 18.19 is correct.

Figure 1.2 Select from DB

We will review this with our development team and get back to you

Vineet Ram
222 0085

25 May 202207:12AM Comment 2 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 26-05-2022 08:00 AM Time Taken: 0.50 Notes: Edited by sanjay on 01/06/22 15:46. Edited by vineet on 26/05/22 11:32. Edited by vineet on 26/05/22 09:55. 

Bula Sanjay

Environment details below:

  1. URL:
  2. Credentials: Default admin user
  3. Version: 13.40.0404
  4. Server: LINKQA8
  5. Database: LINKSOFT-XXX-Training

Vineet Ram
222 0085

25 May 202202:12PM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 25-05-2022 08:08 PM Time Taken: 2.00

Hi Vineet, Which machines is this for? What SQL Server and DB name you are using?

Can you schedule a meeting for tomorrow at 10 am AEST or 2 PM aest to go through this so we have all relevant information before the case is assigned to me? Thanks.

26 May 202212:32PM Comment 4 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 27-05-2022 05:32 PM Time Taken: 0.50

Hi Sanjay

Comment 2 has been updated with database detail. This customer production database is on 13.40. As discussed, this item is sold on Price Class when there are markdowns of similar flavors. Its sold at Normal Retail Price as well when there are no markdowns

Vineet Ram
222 0085

31 May 202201:47PM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 31-05-2022 07:39 PM Time Taken: 2.00
HI Vineet, the database name provided does not have any POS transactions. Can you also add the report name and parameters you are running?

31 May 202202:38PM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 31-05-2022 08:36 PM Time Taken: 6.00 Notes: Edited by sanjay on 31/05/22 14:43. 

Hi Vineet, here is an explanation of how we get the amounts. Details are in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 - Sales analysis of Product ID: 016000409835

Transaction IDDateQuantityUnitCostTotal CostDetails
LTDSTX2392352022-05-17 11:05:4025.023110.0462Cash Sale - Normal Item
LTDSTX2398222022-05-17 18:16:3115.02315.0231Cash Sale - Normal Item
LTDSTX2433382022-05-20 19:47:314*3.779915.1196Cash Sale - class Item
   Rounded to 2DP30.19 
* Class Item quantity is 1, however, the order line quantity was 4

01 Jun 202209:44AM Comment 7 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 02-06-2022 03:27 PM Time Taken: 0.50 Notes: Edited by vineet on 01/06/22 10:01. 

Bula Sanjay

The cost is overstated because, in transaction LTDSTX243338, there are 4 different items sold combined as a price class. We should not accumulate cost in 1 when calculating the Margin for that item. See the items sold in Transaction LTDSTX243338. So when the user is generating the Sales Analysis report for item 016000409835, it should only take the cost of 3.7799 and not 3.7799 x 4. Please see the table below for transactions for LTDSTX243338







unit cost






























Hope the above explains the entire scenario.

Vineet Ram
222 0085

01 Jun 202203:44PM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 24/05/2022 to 01/06/2022
01 Jun 202203:49PM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 01-06-2022 09:44 PM Time Taken: 6.00

Development Log:

  1. Changed the Sales cost and Returns Cost  calculation for  class items to use the Class Items COST and Quantity instead of using the Class Quantity

Next Step:

  1. Vineet to verify if this using the client's database
  2. Sanjay to verify this in DEMO to ensure all scenarios are catered for

01 Jun 202203:50PM Comment 10 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12729 added to project 14.00
02 Jun 202203:59PM Comment 11 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 02-06-2022 09:59 PM Notes: Edited by sanjay on 02/06/22 16:09. 
Added to LinkSOFT Patch 13.40.0206 available at this link 

07 Jun 202210:54AM Comment 12 by Vineet (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 08-06-2022 03:52 PM Time Taken: 1.00

Hi Sanjay

After reviewing this, we have seen the following:

  1. The quantity column has been removed from the updates applied
  2. If the report is generated with the "Group By:" filter as "Product", one will not be able to ascertain the actual sales of an item as it was sold as a price class too. Refer to the Figure below for details of this report. Let's focus on item 016000409835. Note this item has been sold under Price Class "BC WITHOUT FROSTING 432G" as well as a Normal Item as highlighted below. Just grouping by Product at first glance, one will not be able to figure out how much of this product has actually been sold. Showing Price Class separately as below will not give the correct sales interpretation of an item. 

Figure 1.1. Snap of Sales Analysis grouped by Product

Vineet Ram

16 Jun 202201:50PM Comment 13 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 16-06-2022 07:48 PM Time Taken: 3.00

Hi Vineet, Re: Comment 12. We have not removed the Quantity column or changed the GroupBy Behaviour. If you run the update before and After, you will see the only difference is the Class Item Cost extraction.

If you need this report changed, please raise a new case so I can attend to this. Thanks.

16 Jun 202201:54PM Comment 14 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 16-06-2022 07:50 PM
Status changed to UAT

19 Jul 202203:07PM Comment 15 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 19-07-2022 08:23 PM Time Taken: 5.00
The following tests were performed:

Table 1 - Test Results
NoTest CaseExpected ResultPass/FailComments
1Item "P001". Standard item. Cost $2. Sell 3$. Sold Qty 1
Sales analysis report should show Cost $2, Sell $3. Qty 1

2Item P001 changed to Price Class Item (TW001). Sold Qty 2
Sales analysis should show the same as 1. above with Qty = 3. Group by Product will separate test cases 1. and 2. 

3Item P002 changed to Price class Item (TW001). Sold Qty 3
Sales analysis shows Qty 6. Cost calculated correctly based on Quantity of actual product sold instead of Price Class Quantity



Environment Details

  1. OS version: Win11
  2. Application version:14.00 Beta2
  3. Setup on:
    1. Server: LinkQA4
    2. Database: LinkSOFT
    3. LinkSOFT URL: HTTP://LinkQA4/LinkSOFT
  4. Login Details: Standard username and password for user "admin"

Next Step: Closure

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12729 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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