Company: Edge Business Solutions
Call No: E01694
Logged By: Jessica Lum (Coca-Cola Europacific Partners Fiji Pte Limited) on 08 Dec 2021 08:31AM
Priority: Medium
Category: LinkSOFT
Group: Support
Time Taken: 2.00
Assigned To: Vineshwar Prasad (Edge Business Solutions)
Circulation: Nathaniel Lal, Sitla, Vineshwar Prasad
ETC: Thursday, 21 April 2022 05:53 AM [1103 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Payroll Approval can reject after being approved and email sending to approver after first approver approves

Hi Sitla,


During our UAT test for version 13.12.1203.


We have noticed the below for payroll approval:

  1. Pay has been submitted by the payroll officer, Emails are sent to the approvers. When the first approver has approved – another set of email is being sent to all approvers (same email body)
  2. Pay can be rejected by the 3rd approver after it has been approved by 2 approvers
    1. Eg. Approver 1 & 2 approves the pay -> Pay status is Approved
    2. Approver 3 opens the link sent from the email and rejects the pay. The pay is rejected and the status is updated from approved to rejected (Approver can also reject from the pay processing screen)


Audit Notes:Edited by jessicalum on 13/12/21 07:24. Edited by jessicalum on 08/12/21 08:31. Edited by jessicalum on 08/12/21 08:12. 
22 Dec 202102:48PM Comment 1 by Sitla (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Nathaniel Lal Followup Date: 23-12-2021 02:46 PM Notes: ETC extended from: 08/12/2021 to 23/12/2021

Hi Nathaniel, 

As per our discussion, test the scenario in the Demo environment under Edge Business.

Use the link to the development case for testing.

Let us know if you need any help.


23 Dec 202111:59AM Comment 2 by Nathaniel Lal Assigned To: Sitla (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 23-12-2021 08:15 AM Time Taken: 2.00 Notes: Edited by nathaniel on 23/12/21 14:28. 
Bula team,

The following test was performed:

1. When pay is submitted the approvers are notified for review of pay.

2. When the 1st approver approves the pay it gets approved instead of being " in progress" status as excepted in the test results. 

The following users were used for the test;

Ashly Lal 
user: e128 
pw: mf8v9z

Deb Brown 
user: e127
pw: mw59y5

Nathaniel Lal 
user: Nathan_L
pw: xfi6lu

Nathan Red
user: nathan
pw: zqefij


Nathaniel Lal

    20 Apr 202206:09AM Comment 3 by Sitla (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Vineshwar Prasad (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 21-04-2022 05:53 AM Notes: ETC extended from: 23/12/2021 to 21/04/2022

    Hi Vineshwar & Nathaniel,

    Can you verify this test in current version and update case accordingly?

    Use Test plan from this Link.

    Please have this completed today.


    08 Aug 202201:19PM Comment 4 by Sitla (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Vineshwar Prasad (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 09-08-2022 01:18 PM
    Issue has been fixed on later version.

    If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please call our support on +679 9237454 or email and include the Call No: E01694 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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