Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L11799. Project: 11.40: LinkSOFT Version 11.4
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 19 Oct 2019 02:46AM
Priority: Low
Product: Point of Sale
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 7.00 (Weight: 7.00)
Version: 11.4.0302
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Alvis, Development, Rashna, Sanjay
Resolve By: Wednesday, 30 October 2019 11:22 AM [1945 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: POS Receipt printout shows "Invalid TaxID" when company TIN is not entered

There were three issues found at "The Constant" Implementation.

  1. When company TIN is not entered, the POS receipt print should not show "Invalid TIN" on the report. Hide the TIN label when not entered.
  2. The TaxExemptLabel is hardcoded. This should be part of the Reports "FooterMessage".
  3. On the "Business Intelligence ~> Report maintenance", Report Rules for "FooterMessage" and "FooterMessageBelowBarcode" should be a multi-line MEMO Editor instead of a single line Text Editor.

Justification: Some companies (The constant) do not want to display the TIN Number or the "Tax Exempt Label" on the footer of the Receipt.

Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 29/10/19 16:51. Edited by rashna on 29/10/19 15:28. Edited by sanjay on 29/10/19 08:09. Edited by alvis on 29/10/19 08:08. Edited by sanjay on 29/10/19 07:39. 
19 Oct 201902:46AM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case 11799 added to project 11.004.BETA
28 Oct 201901:08PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 30-10-2019 11:22 AM Time Taken: 4.00

Development work for this case has been completed.

The change will be available in version:11.4.1025

1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

  1. Removed "Invalid Tax ID" from company header when "Tax ID" is not entered
  2. Added configuration for "Tax Exempt Message"
  3. Added configuration for "Check Items Message"
  4. Changed "FooterMessage" and "FooterMessageBelowBarcode" to "Memo" type

2. Affected Areas:

  1. POS Receipt 80mm

3. The issue was caused by:

4. Notes
5. Next Step

29 Oct 201909:17AM Comment 3 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Alvis (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 31-10-2019 09:05 AM Time Taken: 1.00
QA Results
Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

Test Results Summary

Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
NoTest DescriptionPass/Fail

Removed "Invalid Tax ID" from company header when "Tax ID" is not entered.

Test this for Receipt 80mm and A4


The receipt A4 still prints "In Valid Tax" with the location


Added configuration for "Tax Exempt Message"

Test this for Receipt 80mm and A4


Added configuration for "Check Items Message"Test this for Receipt 80mm and A4


Changed "FooterMessage" and "FooterMessageBelowBarcode" to "Memo" typeTest this for Receipt 80mm and A4


Environment Details

  1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
  2. Application version: 11.4.1025
  3. Setup: Demo
  4. Server :
  5. Database: LINKSOFT-DEMO-11-RASHNA

Next Step

  1. Review

    29 Oct 201910:04AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 31-10-2019 09:49 AM Time Taken: 1.00

    Development work for this case has been completed.

    The change will be available in version:11.4.1029

    1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

    1. Changed the receipt 80mm to display Tax ID if it is entered in the company setup

    2. Affected Areas:

    1. Receipt 80mm

    3. The issue was caused by:

    1. Changes to "tax id" was not applied

    4. Notes
    5. Next Step
    : UAT

    30 Oct 201908:23AM Comment 5 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 01-11-2019 08:22 AM Time Taken: 1.00
    QA Results
    Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

    Test Results Summary

    Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
    NoTest DescriptionPass/Fail

    Removed "Invalid Tax ID" from company header when "Tax ID" is not entered.

    Test this for Receipt 80mm and A4


    Environment Details

    1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
    2. Application version: 11.4.1029
    3. Setup: Demo
    4. Server :
    5. Database: LINKSOFT-DEMO-11-RASHNA

    Next Step

    1. Closure

      If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L11799 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

      Document size: 21.4 KB
      For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form