Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L11916. Project: 12.10: LinkSOFT version 12.1
Logged By: Alvis (Link Technologies) on 06 Mar 2020 04:55PM
Priority: Medium
Product: Framework
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 43.00 (Weight: 43.00)
Version: 12.10.1020
Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions)
Circulation: Alvis, Development, Rashna
Resolve By: Friday, 20 March 2020 11:54 AM [1806 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Integration to external systems (Jiwa v6.5.13, Jiwa v7, Epicor 7.4) using direct SQL API improvements

Problem: In the Epicor API, all records were extracted on each API call. This caused unnecessary load on the API. The reason for this was that Epicor does not have date modified column.

Improve the way records are imported from an external system into LinkSOFT.

Audit Notes:Edited by alvis on 19/03/20 16:23. Edited by alvis on 19/03/20 11:56. Edited by alvis on 18/03/20 13:29. 
06 Mar 202005:00PM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 10-03-2020 04:56 PM Time Taken: 8.00

Development work for this case has been completed.

The change will be available in version:11.5

1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

  1. Epicor uses the timestamp column to identify changed records. We added "LastReadRecordNumber" to the SQL API when extracting records from EPICOR. This ensures that only the records that were changed since the last API call to be extracted.
  2. Merged integration scripts for Jiwa 7.1 and 7.2 into Jiwa 7

2. Affected Areas:

  1. Jiwa integration to LinkSOFT
  2. Epicor integration to LinkSOFT

3. The issue was caused by:

  1. Improvement

4. Notes
5. Next Step

13 Mar 202003:44PM Comment 2 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 17-03-2020 03:38 PM Time Taken: 2.00
QA Results
Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

Test Results Summary

Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
NoTest DescriptionPass/Fail
1Test the last read date and time for integration module with Epicor integration in LinkSOFT


Last date and time is not updated for

  • Enable integration to Multi Currency Maste
2Test the last read date and time for integration module with JIWA integration in LinkSOFT


Last date and time is not updated for

  • Enable integration to Multi Currency Master 
  • Enable integration to Inventory
  • Enable integration to Accounts Receivable Payment Method 

Environment Details

  1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
  2. Application version: 11.5.0311
  3. Setup: Demo

JIWA Integration

  • Server :
  • Database: LinkSOFT11-JIWA

Epicor Integration

  • Server :
  • Database: LinkSOFT- Epicor

Next Step

  1. Retest

    18 Mar 202001:29PM Comment 3 by Alvis (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 06/03/2020 to 17/03/2020
    19 Mar 202011:56AM Comment 4 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 20-03-2020 11:54 AM Time Taken: 6.00

    Development work for this case has been completed.

    The change will be available in version:11.5

    1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

    1. Changed JIWA6 and JIWA7 integration to sign invoices for Quotations, Sales Orders and Sales Order returns

    2. Affected Areas:

    1. JIWA6 integration
    2. JIWA7 integration

    3. The issue was caused by:

    1. improvement

    4. Notes
    5. Next Step
    : UAT

    19 Mar 202004:23PM Comment 5 by Alvis (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 17/03/2020 to 20/03/2020
    19 Mar 202005:00PM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 20-03-2020 04:59 PM Time Taken: 8.00

    Development work for this case has been completed.

    The change will be available in version:11.5

    1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

    1. Added the following menus to Integration: "AP Master View", "AR Master View", "Tax Master View"
    2. Removed "Tax Maintenance" from "Financials Portal". This is moved to "Integration ~> Tax Master View"

    2. Affected Areas:

    1. AP Master View
    2. AR Master View
    3. Tax Master View

    3. The issue was caused by:

    1. Improvement

    4. Notes
    5. Next Step
    : UAT

    31 Mar 202002:20PM Comment 7 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Alvis (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 01-04-2020 02:18 PM Time Taken: 3.00

    QA Results

    Tests carried out according to requirements specified on the case header

    Test Results Summary

    Table 1 - Summarised list of issues


    Test Description



    Validate that AP Master View, AR Master View and Tax Master View has been added to Integration



    Test the last read date and time for integration module with JIWA integration in LinkSOFT for below modules:

    • Multi Currency Master 
    • Inventory
    • Accounts Receivable Payment Method



    Test VMS signing from JIWA 7

    1. Create a Sales Order - This should sign a "Normal Sale" invoice.
    2. ?Submit the above invoice in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View". This should sign a "Copy" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the above invoice. 
    3. Process a return of the invoice in 1 above. Created the credit note for the invoice. This should sign a "Refund" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the invoice in 1 above.
    4. Create a quotation for a customer - This should sign a "Proforma" invoice. 
    5. ?Submit the above quote in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View". This should sign a "Copy" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the invoice in 4 above



    1. Credit Note of a sales order in JIWA signed a "Normal Refund" invoice. The SDC reference number is not printed in the credit note.
    2. Submit a quotation in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View" . This does not generate a copy invoice. The invoice is generated as "Proforma Sale" and the reference number is blank.

    Note:  Mode was Live


    Test VMS signing from JIWA 6

    1. Create a Sales Order - This should sign a "Normal Sale" invoice.
    2. ?Submit the above invoice in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View". This should sign a "Copy" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the above invoice. 
    3. Process a return of the invoice in 1 above. Created the credit note for the invoice. This should sign a "Refund" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the invoice in 1 above.
    4. Create a quotation for a customer - This should sign a "Proforma" invoice. 
    5. ?Submit the above quote in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View". This should sign a "Copy" invoice. The reference number should be updated with the SDC number from the invoice in 4 above


    1. Credit Notes of a sales order in JIWA signed a "Normal Refund" invoice. The SDC reference number is not printed in the credit note.
    2. Submit a quotation in LinkSOFT under "Integration - AR Master View" . This does not generate a copy invoice. The invoice is generated as "Proforma Sale" and the reference number is blank.

    Note:  Mode was Live


    Environment Details

    1. OS version: Windows Server 2012
    2. Application version: 11.0.0506
    3. Setup: Demo

    Setup Details

    Jiwa 6

    LinkSOFT Database - LINKSOFT6-JIWA
    JIWA Database - JIWA6513
    URL -

    Jiwa 7

    LinkSOFT Database - LINKSOFT11-JIWA
    JIWA Database - JIWA11
    URL -

    Next Step

    1. For Review


    02 Apr 202001:34PM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Alvis (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 03-04-2020 12:39 PM Time Taken: 2.00
    QA Results
    VMS Test results

    Test Results Summary

    Table 1 - Summarised list of issues
    NoTest DescriptionFRCS ResponseLinkSOFT Transaction ReportPass/Fail


    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."

    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."
    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."


    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."

    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."
    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."

    Credit Note

    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."

    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."
    "Image has been removed to reduce document size."

      02 Apr 202002:32PM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 03-04-2020 02:20 PM Time Taken: 2.00

      System tested the following using JIWA 7 integration:

      1. VMS Signing quotations, invoices and credit notes created in JIWA
      2. AP Invoice
      3. AP Purchase Order
      4. AR Adjustment
      5. AR Receipt
      6. AR Sales Order
      7. GL Journal

      Next Step: UAT

      02 Apr 202004:42PM Comment 10 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 03-04-2020 04:36 PM Time Taken: 4.00

      System tested the following using JIWA 6 integration:

      1. VMS Signing quotations, invoices and credit notes created in JIWA
      2. AP Invoice
      3. AP Purchase Order
      4. AR Adjustment
      5. AR Receipt
      6. AR Sales Order
      7. GL Journal

      Next Step: UAT

      14 Apr 202003:51PM Comment 11 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 15-04-2020 03:49 PM Time Taken: 4.00

      Hi Team, 

      This case has been tested successfully. Refer to sheets "Jiwa 7 Integration" and "Jiwa 6 Integration" in the test plan. 

      Next Step:

      23 Apr 202003:30PM Comment 12 by Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Assigned To: Rashna (Edge Business Solutions) Followup Date: 24-04-2020 03:29 PM Time Taken: 4.00

      Hi Sanjay, 

      Documentation has been updated at

      1. Framework\Integration\JIWA_Integration.htm
      2. Framework\Integration\Linksoft_Inventory_and_JIWA_Integration.htm
      3. Framework\Integration\LinkSOFT_Payroll_Integration_to_JIWA.htm
      4. Framework\Integration\JIWA_FRCS_VMS_Integration.htm


      If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L11916 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

      Document size: 27.2 KB
      For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form