Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12053. Project: 12.10: LinkSOFT version 12.1
Logged By: Alvis (Link Technologies) on 19 Oct 2020 04:59PM
Priority: High
Product: Payroll & HR
Group: Change Request
Time Taken: 8.00 (Weight: 8.00)
Version: 12.10.1020
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar, Alvis, Sanjay, Sanjeet
Resolve By: Friday, 16 October 2020 11:59 PM [1423 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: TLTB Performance Management System Changes (Part 2) [Created from case T12683]

Improvements required in No2. Performance Management>> Appraisal Main Grid.

2. Performance Management>> Appraisal Main Grid:

  1. Changes required in 2.e.b: from the original case (T12683).   
    • 2.e.b - When CEO or the DGMORD logs in, (people with allow HR score edit access), their grid to be sorted by, Appraisal Date, status “Open Manager Submitted “right on top and cost center.
    • Required amendments - When CEO or the DGMORD logs in, (people with allow HR score edit access), their grid to be sorted by: (Refer to attached excel - TLTB Sorting Appraisal Screen)

      1. Cost Centre
      2. Status - Manager Appraisal Submitted to be on top
      3. Appraisal Date 

  2. The system should disallow employees to input scores in multiple appraisals. One appraisal should be active at one time. Even though there are appraisals generated for the whole year, the system should disable the future dates one and enable the current appraisal based on the quarter the employee is in. Consider the below:
    • If an employee is in Q1 and has submitted, QA2 appraisal should only become active once the quarter is reached.
    • If the employee is in Quarter 2 and Q1 appraisal is not submitted, the system should not make Q2 appraisal active. Once the Q1 appraisal is submitted, then Q2 should be active.


Audit Notes:Edited by alvis on 21/10/20 13:37. Edited by alvis on 20/10/20 09:59. 
16 Oct 202007:30AM Comment 1 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) Created from case T12683
19 Oct 202003:16PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjeet (Link Business Solutions) Followup Date: 19-10-2020 03:15 PM

Hi Sanjeet,

We will add 3 security access:
1. Allow users to edit (score/comment) appraisals are open in the current and past quarters.
2. Allow users to submit appraisals before the Appraisal Date.
3. Allow users to submit appraisals before the previous appraisal is submitted. For example, Quarter 2 appraisal can be submitted before quarter 1.

Can you discuss this with TLTB if this is sufficient for their needs?

20 Oct 202008:32AM Comment 3 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Case L12053 added to project 12.0
20 Oct 202009:56AM Comment 4 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 20-10-2020 12:46 PM Time Taken: 4.00

Development work for this case has been completed.

The change will be available in version:12.0.1020

1. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes and any other relevant information):

  1. Changed the sorting order for the appraisal grid when HR1 or HR2 logs in as follows:
    1. Cost Centre
    2. Status: 
      1. Open (Manager submitted)
      2. All other Open statuses
    3. Appraisal Date
  2. Added the following security access for editing and submitting appraisals:
    1. Can Edit "score" and "comment" for all appraisals with "status=open". This includes future appraisals.
    2. Can Submit all appraisals with "status=open". This includes future appraisals.
    3. Can Submit Appraisals in any "Appraisal Date" order. This overrides the consecutive submission of appraisals.

2. Affected Areas:

  1. Performance Appraisal

3. The issue was caused by:

  1. Change request

4. Notes
5. Next Step


Development Reference:

20 Oct 202009:59AM Comment 5 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 20-10-2020 01:56 PM Time Taken: 2.00
System test completed

20 Oct 202009:59AM Comment 6 by Alvis (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 16/10/2020 to 16/10/2020
21 Oct 202001:36PM Comment 7 by Alvis (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 21-10-2020 05:07 PM Time Taken: 1.00
Documentation completed

21 Oct 202001:49PM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 21-10-2020 05:47 PM Time Taken: 1.00

Skype messages:

20/10/2020 10am - SANJAY

Hi Sanjeet, can you verify TLTB change request:
1. URL to verify:
2. The following three Security have been added. The implementation is self-explanatory:
a. Can Edit "score" and "comment" for all appraisals with "status=open". This includes future appraisals.
b. Can Submit all appraisals with "status=open". This includes future appraisals.
c. Can Submit Appraisals in any "Appraisal Date" order. This overrides the consecutive submission of appraisals.

21/10/2020 1 PM - Aarti
Hi Sanjay
This looks okay to us. Is there any build we can use to deploy at TLTB and test with them.

21/10/2020 1 PM - SANJAY
yes we were waiting for confirmation - we will send you the link this afternoon

General Documents - Case: L12053:TLTB Org Case.JPG
TLTB Sorting Appraisal Screen.xlsx
If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12053 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

Document size: 8.5 KB
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