Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12763. Project: 14.00: LinkSOFT Version 14.00
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 22 Jul 2022 02:25PM
Priority: Low
Product: Framework
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 29.00 (Weight: 29.00)
Version: 14.00
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Sanjay
Resolve By: Friday, 29 July 2022 12:00 AM [938 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Multiple Minor changes and improvements to LinkSOFT 14.00
Summary:    Multiple Minor changes and improvements to LinkSOFT 14.00. Details are in each comment.
Audit Notes:
22 Jul 202202:40PM Comment 1 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 29-07-2022 02:37 PM Time Taken: 22.00

Upgrade Crystal Reports Runtime framework from 13.0.30 to 30.0.32

*** Release Notes for Crystal Runtime ***

New In SP32 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (64bit)
  2. Security updates
  3. Addressed customer Incidents
  4. New Data source: HANA 2.0 SP06
  5. Platform support: Win 10 21H2
  6. Platform support: Win 11 21H2 - Check KBA 3204578 for a Windows 11-specific OLE image issue and workaround.
  7. Platform support: Chrome Browser version 101

New In SP31 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Security updates
  2. Addressed customer Incidents
  3. New Data source: HANA Cloud 1.0
  4. Platform support: Win 10 20H2
  5. Platform support: Firefox ESR 91

New In SP30 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Security updates
  2. Addressed customer Incidents
  3. Firefox ESR 78
  4. Open JDK 15 (for XML and Webservice driver)

New In SP29 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Security updates
  2. Addressed customer Incidents
  3. Windows 10 2004 support
  4. VS 2019 Update 7 support
  5. HANA 2.0 SP05 support

New In SP28 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Addressed customer Incidents
  2. Security updates

New In SP27 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1.  Addressed customer Incidents
  2.  Win10 1909
  3.  SQL Server 2019
  4.  Browser updates (Latest Chrome)
  5.  Security updates

Please note, SP27 “Web Service / XML Data Driver” will be uploaded later, once a known issue solved.
Please note, SP27 will not be uploaded to the old Akamai site.

New In SP26 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Addressed customer Incidents
  2. Windows Server 2019 and Win10 1903
  3. .NET Framework 4.8
  4. Data source updates (Excel/Access 2019, HANA 2.0 SP04, Oracle 19c)
  5. Browser updates (Latest Chrome, Firefox ESR 68)
  6. Security updates

Note the following changes in SP 26:

  1. .Net Framework 3.5.1 is no longer supported, we’d recommend to use .Net Framework 4.5.2.
  2. Assembly version of CR .Net and RAS .Net upgrade from 13.0.3500.0 to 13.0.4000.0, user should load their project in VS to migrate the references.
    1. FlashControlV71 had been removed and replaced by AxShockwaveFlashObjects and ShockwaveFlashObjects; they’re NOT required to add as reference in project, will be called by CrystalDecisions.Windows.Forms on runtime automatically.
  3. There will be problem if application built with .Net Framework 4.0 as target framework and printed to Microsoft XPS Document Writer via ReportDocument.PrintToPrinter API (the same in Winform/WPF Viewer print).
    1. Support for .NET Framework 4, 4.5, and 4.5.1 ended on January 12, 2016(
    2. To solve this problem, user should target their project to .Net Framework 4.5.2 or above and re-built it.
  4. If end-user use in-place upgrading from SP25 or previous version, after upgrading, they must repair the installation in Control Panel/Programs. Otherwise the ADO.Net database connection will NOT work.
  5. The prerequisites Microsoft_VC120_CRT_x86.msm, Microsoft_VC140_CRT_x86.msm and Microsoft_VC140_MFC_x86.msm should be added when using CR Runtime Merge Modules, or used vcredist_x86.exe from Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 and Visual Studio 2015.
  6. Microsoft Windows Update KB2999226 is still required for all OS before the Windows 10/Windows Server 2016.

New In SP25 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1.  Addressed 9 customer Incidents
  2. Visual Studio 2019
  3. Certified Oracle JDK 8 for CRDB XML driver
  4. Certified Oracle JDK 11 / Open JDK 11 for CRDB XML driver
  5. Win10 1809
  6. Security updates

New In SP24 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1.  Addressed 10+ customer Incidents
  2. Visual Studio 2017 Update 9
  3. Oracle 18c
  4. SQL Server 2017
  5. Chrome 70
  6. Flash Player 31

 New In SP23 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Addressed 10+ customer Incidents
  2. Security improvements
  3. .NET Framework 4.7.2
  4. Firefox ESR 60
  5. Microsoft Edge HTML 17.1713

New In SP22 Release - read the above info for SP 21 if upgrading from lower version

  1. Addressed 10+ customer Incidents. See Fixed Issue link below

New In SP21 Release - see above

New In SP20 Release

  1. HANA 2.0 SPS01
  2. Addressed 5+ customer Incidents. 

New In SP19 Release

  1. Windows Server 2016
  2. IIS 10 on Windows Server 2016
  3. Addressed over 10 customer Incidents.

28 Jul 202201:42PM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 05-08-2022 01:41 PM Time Taken: 6.00
Refer to case T14007 - Resolved performance issue when calculating Mileage and removed entries that do not contribute to the mileage calculation.

29 Jul 202204:00PM Comment 3 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies) Followup Date: 05-08-2022 03:59 PM Time Taken: 1.00
Product released. Closing case.

If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12763 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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