Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12580. Project: 13.20: LinkSOFT version 13.20
Logged By: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) on behalf of Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 16 Sep 2021 06:00PM
Priority: High
Product: Payroll & HR
Group: Enhancement
Time Taken: 13.00 (Weight: 13.00)
Version: 13.20.1215
Assigned To: Development
Circulation: Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar, Development, Sanjay
Resolve By: Tuesday, 30 November 2021 11:59 PM [1045 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Performance Management System Enhancement - Base Value/Target Formatting


The objectives of Base Value/Target Formatting are below:

  1. Eliminate misunderstanding and confusion for users when doing scoring and assessment.
  2. To have clear information on how output or target is measured. Is it measured in percentage, quantity, or currency value?


KPI generated to Operation staff is normally consists of percentage, quantity, or currency value as a base value/target formatting.

In the current system, the formatting is numeric (number) only. Therefore, when the appraisal is generated, the base value appeared as a number for all targets which are supposed to be percentage or dollar value as shown below as an example.

Therefore, the team is seeking to have a formatting option on the base value for clear information to the users on each KPI target and how it is measured.




Base Value/Target Formatting

  • The base value should have a formatting option of percentage, quantity (number) or currency value.
  • If a KPI is measured in percentage then percentage formatting should be applied in the base value where the percentage (%) should appear in the base value
  • ELSE IF KPI is measured in quantity then number formatting should be applied in the base value
  • ELSE IF KPI is measured in dollar value then currency formatting should be applied in the base value where the dollar sign ($) should appear in base value


System Setup:

  1. Appraisal Template:
    • This is where the KPI’s are tagged
    • Administrator inputs the base value of each KPI
    • The formatting of the Base Value can be of percentage, quantity, or currency value
    • At the moment – the administrator defines the formatting using the description

    Refer to Figure 1:


    1. Appraisal: is generated based on the template:
      • When the employees view the Appraisal – they may overlook the “formatting of the Base Value”

      Change Required: Introduce “formatting of the Base Value” so that employees can easily identify if it is a percentage, quantity, or currency

      Test Plan:


      Test Area



      Can save Base Value as a percentage



      Can save Base Value as quantity



      Can save Base Value as currency



      Can view saved Base Value as a percentage on Appraisal



      Can view saved Base Value as quantity on Appraisal



      Can view saved Base Value as currency on Appraisal


      Audit Notes:Edited by sanjay on 16/12/21 10:16. Edited by sanjay on 16/12/21 10:02. Edited by sanjay on 26/11/21 10:29. Edited by sanjay on 29/10/21 10:01. Edited by sanjay on 21/10/21 08:30. Edited by aarti on 06/10/21 10:32. Edited by aarti on 17/09/21 07:54. Edited by aarti on 16/09/21 18:00. 
      17 Sep 202108:10AM Comment 1 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) This comment has been removed
      18 Sep 202108:23AM Comment 2 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) This comment has been removed
      06 Oct 202110:32AM Comment 3 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) ETC was changed from 17/09/2021 to 08/10/2021
      20 Oct 202103:32PM Comment 4 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) This comment has been removed
      21 Oct 202108:06AM Comment 5 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Case L12580 added to project 13.20
      21 Oct 202108:13AM Comment 6 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) This comment has been removed
      21 Oct 202108:25AM Comment 7 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) This comment has been removed
      21 Oct 202108:30AM Comment 8 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 15/11/2021 to 15/11/2021
      16 Nov 202107:57AM Comment 9 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) This comment has been removed
      26 Nov 202110:29AM Comment 10 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) ETC was changed from 30/11/2021 to 30/11/2021
      26 Nov 202103:06PM Comment 11 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 26-11-2021 06:37 PM Time Taken: 2.00 Notes: Edited by sanjay on 16/12/21 10:03. 

      Discussion with Sanjay and Aarti, we have agreed on the following

      1. A new dropdown will be introduced called "Score Type Format".
        1. The three options on this dropdown will be:
          1. Currency
          2. Percentage
          3. Quantity
        2. The field will be added to the menu "Performance Management --> KPI Maintenance" after "Score Type"
      2. Show the "Score Type Format" column in the menu:
        1. "Performance Management --> KPI Appraisal Template ---> KPI Group --> Key Performance Indicator" next to Score Type
        2. "Performance Management --> Appraisal ---> Score Summary --> KPI Details" next to KPI Description
        3. "Performance Management --> Appraisal ---> Score Entry --> KPI Details" next to KPI Description

      26 Nov 202103:43PM Comment 12 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) This comment has been removed
      26 Nov 202104:21PM Comment 13 by Sanjay (Link Technologies) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 26-11-2021 08:14 PM Time Taken: 6.00
      PART A - Development work for this case has been completed.

      1. The change will be available in version:13.20.1125

      2. The following changes were made(Include Database object names, Program classes, and any other relevant information):

      1. Added a new configurable dropdown called "Score Type Format".
        1. The three default options are
          1. Currency
          2. Percentage
          3. Quantity
        2. Added a field to KPI Maintenance to store this dropdown value
        3. Added field to maintenance form:  "Performance Management --> KPI Maintenance" after "Score Type"
      2. Display the "Score Type Format" column in the menu:
        1. "Performance Management --> KPI Appraisal Template ---> KPI Group --> Key Performance Indicator" next to Score Type
        2. "Performance Management --> Appraisal ---> Score Summary --> KPI Details" next to KPI Description
        3. "Performance Management --> Appraisal ---> Score Entry --> KPI Details" next to KPI Description

      3. Affected Areas:

      1. KPI Maintenance
      2. KPI Appraisal Template
      3. Appraisal Score Entry

      4. The issue was caused by:

      1. Enhancement

      5. Other Relevant Notes
      6. Next Step
      (Review and System Test (Developer) -> UAT (Quality) -> Documentation): UAT

      14 Dec 202102:24PM Comment 14 by Aarti Pooja Gayaneshwar (Link Business Solutions) Assigned To: Development Followup Date: 14-12-2021 06:24 PM Time Taken: 2.00
      Testing performed by Aarti & Sanjay: - all requirements, in this case, have been passed.

      If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12580 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

      Document size: 230.1 KB
      For call complaints, please contact the Managing Director of the company using this form