Company: Link Technologies
Case No: L12451
Logged By: Sanjay (Link Technologies) on 24 Jun 2012 08:24PM
Priority: Not Applicable
Product: Other
Group: To be assigned
Time Taken: 0.00
Assigned To: Sanjay (Link Technologies)
Circulation: Sanjay
Resolve By: Sunday, 24 June 2012 08:24 PM [4317 days since logged date]
Status: Closed
Subject: Correcting Assets Updated Cost and book Values for Link AM

This post is to Correct Assets Updated Cost and book Values for Link Asset Management.

1. Please ensure you have LinkAM version or above

2. The script below will give you the list of assets that have incorrect Updated Cost and Book Value. Use this list to individually execute the procedure to correct these values.

Select a.asset_num, AMOUNT = (select
SUM(case when at.[DESCRIPTION]='Disposal' or at.[DESCRIPTION]='Partial Disposal' or
AC.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID IS NULL or at.[DESCRIPTION] like '%Depreciation' then abs(ac.AMOUNT) * -1
else isnull(ac.AMOUNT,0) end)
left outer join LT_AM_ACTIVITY_TYPE at on at.ID = ac.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID
where ac.ASSET_ID = A.ID
group by ac.ASSET_ID),
From LT_AM_ASSET a where
a.UPDATED_COST <> (select
SUM(case when at.[DESCRIPTION]='Disposal' or at.[DESCRIPTION]='Partial Disposal' or
AC.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID IS NULL or at.[DESCRIPTION] like '%Depreciation' then abs(ac.AMOUNT) * -1
else isnull(ac.AMOUNT,0) end)
left outer join LT_AM_ACTIVITY_TYPE at on at.ID = ac.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ID
where ac.ASSET_ID = A.ID
group by ac.ASSET_ID)
and a.UPDATED_COST = 0 and a.ORIGINAL_COST = 0

Then use this script to correct the cost values

Exec LT_AM_RebuildAssetValues 'XXXXXX', 'YYYYY' -- Where XXXXX is the ASSET Number and YYYYY is the Reason. Use Case Number in Reference.

Audit Notes:
If you have any queries regarding this support incident, please email and include the Case No: L12451 in the subject line of all emails regarding this issue.

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