------------------------- BULK PAYROLL ------------------------- COLUMN DEFINITIONS 1. BIC - Required field. Provide BIC code of the receiving bank. BIC code is expected in capital, otherwise it fails. 2. Employee Name - Required field. Provide employee name not exceeding 35 characters. 3. Employee Id - Required field. Provide employee Id of the receiver, not exceeding 25 digits. 4. Account Number - Required field. Provide account number of the receiver, not exceeding 16 digits. 5. Amount - Required field. Transfer amount to employee. Please follow the following numbering format, e.g., 1000.00 6. Remarks - Optional field. Remarks will appear in your account. The length of Remarks should not exceed 140 characters. 7. Narration - Optional field. This is for your own information. The length of Naration should not exceed 140 characters.